A Walk through New York Times Square!
Explore a walk through ew York famous Times Square!
New York City, having a huge metropolis, with home to some of the amazing skyscrapers in the world and spanning varied collection of architectural styles in both modern as well as historic period, it is a dream of many people! And I had a chance earlier this year to finally pay the visit and experience the city all by myself!
My starting point was as usual, the famous “Times Square“, the most iconic, the most visited and one of the world amazing attractions! A major commercial intersection with convergence of several subway lines and home to theater district because of an easy approach to its never ending chunk of masses spanning all across this square.

Also referred as the ‘Crossroads of the world‘, surrounded by skyscrapers, the approach to the square is welcome by huge high-definition LED video screens displaying various types of vivid advertisements to attract people. The most catchy of these ones are the displays on 25-storey ‘One Times Square’ building which also acts as the major focal point because of its annual “ball-drop” events

At the square center you can find the great ‘Father Duffy’ statue and another interesting building just next to it is the famous ‘2 Time square’. But what lies in between the ‘Father Duffy’ statue and ‘2 Times Square’ buildings is a unique blend to this mighty dynamic cluster of vibrant architecture.
Designed by famous architects “Perkins Eastman” is the small yet unique “TKTS Booth” comprising of most complex yet sophisticated glass structure. (TKTS booth basically sells discounted tickets for Broadway and Off-Broadway shows).
The entire glass structure rises over a fiberglass shell. The illuminating TKTS signage are designed on the outer face of the components as well it is also decorated nicely on the all-side glass facades. The red glass illumination are done with the help of LED’s and a kind of Geothermal system where it consist of radiant panel to properly regulate the heating and cooling phenomenon under the steps and to aid better comfort, an additional air handler is also provided. The whole designs is thoughtfully made of prefabricated pieces which can be easily assembled on site.
Dominating the Time Square’s center with its distinctive red color and merging into the complete modernistic aura of colorful LED lightnings and advertisement was indeed a innovative experiment which have finally come into existence.

On the left and right side of this building right on the Broadway road and 7th Avenue, spans a large numbers of big size advertisement banners along with their LED displays showing the upcoming theaters shows. Among them is the prestigious ‘Palace theater’ which is renowned Broadway stage since year 1913. While on the bottom, you can find a lot of retail options for shopping and some of the prominent eating joints.

The best part of time square I enjoyed the most was the when you are standing right in the middle of it and watching the prodigious display of enormous skyscrapers rising in front of you from the mingling colorful fusion of illuminating lights all around and while you feel you are lost in the middle of those gigantic masses of people all around.

No matter how overrated it sound for some, ‘Times Square‘ is no doubt, a unique exemplary experience of remarkable illuminating architecture which indeed a memory worth remembering in your heart and mind!
Have you been to ‘Time Square’ before? Please feel free to share any comments about any experience in particular you have in mind! 🙂
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