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How much traveling have you done in your life?

How much traveling have you done in your life?

This is one of the questions I always ask every second person I met in my life. There are lot of facts one can easily find on internet or in various articles about how many people understand the meaning of travel but for me it always important to know from someone whom you meet in your everyday life. So what do you think how much traveling people actually do in their life?

Well to my surprise, almost more than 90% percent of the people I met have hardly done any traveling. Why? Because either they believe they don’t have enough time for it or otherwise they simply cant afford enough money to do any traveling. Travel for them was simply a luxury or merely unwanted use of time. And when they really get time lets say once in year or two, to plan a vacation, they presume traveling to be as a black & white picture! What it means, that for them to travel, it has to be perfect scenario with best accommodations, best airlines, per-designed itineraries etc. and for that they usually pick any tour operator and opt for available group tours. I called it as a white side thinking. The black side would be opposite of it which means a totally low cost budget tour . For such people there is no grey area present for them. And they live with this mindset throughout their life.

How much traveling in life

What do you think how do these people find their happiness then? well the easiest answer would be shopping, movies, clubs, home decorations, beauty salons, spas …list can be really long or they would find their passion in boosting about high end luxury cars or their hoards of investments.

Lets talk about another 10%. These are the people who find their ways to travel from all the varying circumstances of their life. These people usually look life from that grey area where the travel part does not means to be a unique or expensive experience which only certain people can afford. But what led to these 10% help to change their outlook of seeing the life of travel?

When I started to travel couple of years back, I thought for that moment I was doing something out of the ordinary and unique. But when I went to new destinations and met new people, I realized travel is the most down-to-earth experience one can experience in their life. You will tend to see and meet people from all age groups and ethnic religion who are just traveling to experience the life on the other side. Every country or city has its own life and to experience that life in the form of buildings, nature, food, people was just life-changing in-itself. This very realization helped me changed my outlook to believe that traveling can be a part of living your life.

As far as money is concerned, its all about setting your priorities and changing the mindset. Spending less on materialistic approach and saving more for your travels, if you truly desire to travel, you will find your way out accordingly. There is no rocket science behind it. It simple willingness to pursue your travel dreams.

Our life as it says is a very small part of the whole universe  merely a stardust. The future is always unpredictable, even though you try to work hard and save more today, you can never be sure in the face of nature how long you will live or how your life will actually turn up. Our life is really short, you only have chance to live once, so the question is, do you really want to live the same old usual life which you are living now and want to pursue a life full of amazing experiences!!

So tell me how much traveling have you done in your life?

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Stewie Overseas
7 years ago

I’ve been to 17 countries and living abroad for the last 6 years 🙂 What about you?

Anubhav A
7 years ago

Coincidently I have also been to 17 countries till now and plan to visit more this year. But I havnt really got the opportunity to live abroad, just a month or so sometimes during my travel. 6 years however is a good time to stay that long! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Viivi Severina
7 years ago

I loved this! Once again amazing post from you. Sometimes it is so hard to understand how some people don’t see the gray area of travelling.
You can’t find real adventures from the luxury hotels and first class flights. But then again if you just budget everything and don’t sometimes decide to just use money to something stupid it doesn’t work either. 🙂

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  Viivi Severina

Thank you Viivi! Yes I have really seen people not be able to travel just because of this approach…and sometimes to full fill the white side …they end up planning a stupid trip after a long time when they could have done much better than it! And sometimes they even don’t do it! …thanks for commenting! 😊

7 years ago

When I fist saw the title I automatically thought not enough! I think my tally is at around 23 countries but I agree with you that most of the people don’t travel. I often have people say ‘oh you’re so lucky’ to have been to ‘pick a place.’ Lucky? Hell no. I make those choice and create opportunities so that I can travel. You made some very good points why most people don’t travel. I also think many are putting it off until later/retirement/whatever excuse. Stop waiting and start living!

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  kasiawrites

Well 23 countries is not bad at all…I’m still lower than that!..😁 and well its true that we all work in our own ways to make those opportunities happen and most of the people live on excuses…..thank you for sharing your thoughts and comments! 🙂

7 years ago

Great post! And how much travelling have I done in my life? Not nearly enough to satisfy me!

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  teacakesand

Thank you! Well we will never be satisfied with our travels but once we look back on our journey from where we came from, it will give us more confidence to achieve and challenge more in life! 🙂

7 years ago

Not enough! I’ve travelled to many countries in Europe. Asia and the Pacific. And I’ve traveled extensively through Australia but the world’s a big place. And my wonder lusting is huge. 😊

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  Miriam

Well the wanderlust never ends…I have to still hit Australia and New zealand as well..I’m missing so much and life is so little! Maybe I will take some tips from you next time I plan Aussie trip! Thank you for commenting! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Anubhav A

Totally my pleasure. New Zealand is on my bucket list too. Hope you make it to Australia one day. 🙂

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  Miriam

Thanks …Well I hope so but I definitely will! 😉

Travelista Journal
7 years ago

I want to travel the world as much as I can. My goal is to travel the 7 continents.

Travelista Journal
7 years ago

My goal is to travel to all seven continents including Antarctica.

Anubhav A
7 years ago

Yes me too….the travel lust is something like the more we do the less it seems to us…lol..thanks for commenting! 🙂

Travelista Journal
7 years ago
Reply to  Anubhav A

As the maxim goes ” Travel while you are young and able don’t worry about the money, just make it work”.

Anubhav A
7 years ago

Absolutely! 😉😊

7 years ago

have been to 14 countries, travelling to bhutan in March (15th).. By the way, recently I had an amazing adventure road trip to the World’s highest motorable road, you may like to check it out : http://wp.me/p8p4rd-v9

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  mrstressbuster

Bhutan is really nice ..I still have to visit there…I wil surely check your post ! Thanks for commenting! 🙂

7 years ago

Maybe a lot of, but I have not calculated them. When being young, I started to stop my flight hours, when I noticed that I have been sitting on airplanes more than two months.
Nowadays we make road trips and occasionally some vacation trips abroad once a year.

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  Sartenada

Wow I wish I could travel that much! But road trips also sounds so much fun! 🙂

7 years ago

Since spending 3 months in Southeast Asia I have become determined to travel full time. Saving every penny to see the world!

Anubhav A
7 years ago
Reply to  dejahgatz

That’s awesome! I still have explore much of south east Asia..curious to read your blog ahead to know more about it! Keep it up and thanks for commenting! 🙂

Syazwani Baumgartner
7 years ago

I’ve been to 103 countries and have a goal to visit 150 countries before I am 50. I am 31 now. Visited my 100th country at 28!

Anubhav A
7 years ago

Wow, now 103!! that something…I met a traveler in Norway and she did 90+ countries and I was thinking is there a magic pill for it? 😀 …I started this travel passion about 4 years back and I had only done 21 countries…Its a long long road for me and Im already 30 years old 🙁 …so I’m Jealous! lol…Thanks again for stopping by! 🙂

Syazwani Baumgartner
7 years ago
Reply to  Anubhav A

My husband and I did a LOT of traveling together. I had visited 67 countries by end of 2009 and got my 100th in July 2014. 43 countries in 4.5 years compared to 39 countries in 6 months in 2009 (although I visited a number of them not for the first time).

Anubhav A
7 years ago

Super nice! It would have been amazing feeling to travel so much! But Im still wondering what’s the secret ingredient for this? 😃 lol!

Syazwani Baumgartner
7 years ago
Reply to  Anubhav A

a LOT of planning (and savings)! That’s it.

Anubhav A
7 years ago

Yup that’s for sure! 🙂